Playful Pregnancy Announcements To Start The Baby Book Off Right
Raising a child is a serious task, and expecting parents might feel a wave of stress once the pregnancy test comes back positive. But regardless of whether or not it’s your first or fourth kid, there’s one important lesson to keep in mind – handle parenthood with grace and loads of humor!
In time, the experiences will grow on you. You will get better at cooking, faster at changing diapers, listening more attentively to the baby’s cries, and you’ll find yourself reaching for the pacifier before you even think about it. You’ll absolutely love your child, whether they’re wailing or not.
In fact, some parents are so excited to nurture a little goofball, they decided to channel that energy when they broke the news to their family and friends. Read on to see some of the most clever and creative pregnancy announcements the internet has to offer.
Ready Player One
This gaming console had been a success since the early 2000s. Anyone can hit a golfball, as if they were on a multi-tournament course, or slice a tennis ball so that it would land on the opposite court, just past the net. People were running in their living rooms, totally engaged with virtual reality. But to play, you had to have as many consoles as the members of your family.
It’s safe to say that they should secure a new console now that they’re expecting a new player to join the game. It isn’t fair to gang up on the rookie, so they should probably play non-competitive games. After all, playing as a team is so much more rewarding than competing against each other, at least, until that kid learns how to walk. Ready player one?
What’s Cooking
Just like baking, marriage requires exact measurements to create muffins of joy. People swear by 2 cups of all-purpose love, 3 teaspoons of admiration, a half teaspoon of boundaries, 3/4 cup of respect, an egg, a cup of milky devotion, and 1/4 cup of oil. Preheat mom’s oven to 205 degrees Celsius and place the batter into muffin pan cups. Top with nuts!
That should create a perfect serving for the family. Share it amongst friends – the good news that mommy will have an additional someone to bake muffins for. When the timer’s up, the whole room will be filled with excitement. Who isn’t thrilled about how the baby will turn out?
Saving the Day
Back in 2017, DC heroes James and Alisha Doherty were thrust into the limelight. They had spent years saving the day, prowling the streets, and striking terror into the hearts of criminals. They had been known as a regular Nashville couple. But after this photoshoot, the world discovered their secret superhero identity.
Who knew it would take a new baby for the world to discover the masked vigilantes of Nashville City. Before this, they would wear their costumes to charities, birthdays and fundraisers. It’s reported that these proud parents couldn’t be more excited for a Robin to join their squad.
The Force is With Them
Help daddy navigate the cosmos and deep space as he finds the prophesied Chosen One. For eons, the Chosen One has been believed to be the most powerful Jedi who would bring balance to the force of three children. One word of advice for Daddy – Do, or do not. There is no try.
Those parents will need some lightsabers to keep the balance from going haywire. It’s guaranteed to be a lively household with a vast energy field surrounding the family. They may be stirred to either side, but at least love will bind the galactic forces together.
Someone’s Getting Evicted
Look at those kids – regretting the choices their parents had made. Or should we say, the lack of choice in family planning? The oldest seems to have gotten the hang of it. After all, she had been through this twice already. But the younger ones aren’t keen on being older sisters to a new member of the family.
Being the older sister means that you have to share the spotlight. That means someone else is going to get all the attention while you get additional responsibilities. They hadn’t signed up for this! But despite the pleas, their bawling won’t get them anywhere. That baby is due to be delivered in a couple of months.
Insert Coin
This couple was discussing how best to break the news of a new baby to their friends and family. They had come up with a list of ideas until dad rested his eyes on the video game his child was playing. The little tyke had been jumping up and down, eager that Mario had been able to land the flagpole- almost near the flag. It had been clear that they would introduce the new member as Luigi.
Dressing little Mario in his iconic red and blue costume was the easy part. Explaining to him who player number two would be was a little harder. But when they told Mario the news, he gleefully clapped his hands and stood against the wall. After all, a game is fun when it’s played by two or more people.
Guess This Smash Hit
This hit song dominated the stereos in the 90s. It catapulted Vanilla Ice into fame, but it also landed him in a bit of trouble. The band, Queen, alleged that the singer had used part of their song Under Pressure. The singer initially denied lifting a portion of the song, but later admitted he had done so. Nonetheless, the song makes for a catchy chorus.
If we had hummed it, you probably would have guessed it. How long did it take you to figure out the name of this smash hit? In case you hadn’t heard it, search it on Youtube or Spotify. This lyrical poet…created all the bass sound. Thirty years after release, it’s still a hit amongst music lovers! Ice, ice baby.
How About Slowing Down
This man and his wife are welcoming their first child. They had met a couple of years back, and share a fondness for race-car driving. So it shouldn’t be any wonder that they announced her pregnancy this way – with a road sign by their side. There’s no slowing down for this couple.
With daddy in the driver’s seat, there’s no going off course. He gracefully eases off the pedal and holds his wife’s hand – kissing it briefly before letting it rest on his lap. There’s a lot of mileage for this couple; they’ve got many milestones to achieve with gas in the tank. Safe driving guys!
Daddy Poke Mom
As Ash Ketchum puts it, “everybody makes a wrong turn once in a while.” For daddy, it had been this. He had poke(d) mom. And now she’s growing a Pokeball. Which character do you think is growing inside? Amongst the 18 characters, we think it’s the Psychic Exeggcute.
When this Pokemon breaks out of her Poke ball, there’ll be a lot of crying. We suggest that she pacifies it with Razz Berries, and sing it to sleep. She and dad can take turns. After all, managing a pokemon can be exhausting. We hope she’s building up on her XP points.
Getting Over Roadblocks
Sensing that the drive home was rocky, this couple stopped at a gas station to fill their tires. Dad went over the side, plugged the air hose in, and failed to check the pressure on the gauge. He heard an explosion, and found himself rocking something heavy! They hadn’t anticipated this surprise.
But it was a nice one yet! Even mommy was glad that things turned out the way they did. Did they manage to get home? Yes, they did. The drive home had been steady and peaceful because mommy took over the wheel. Dad was too preoccupied with the baby. We would have been too!
You’re Out!
This option is the last resort. Keep in mind, evicting people sours the relationship between you and them. You can’t run a business or maintain a rental space on kindness alone. So even if it’s harsh, you have to serve them an eviction notice. Just look at this landlord; he didn’t let her wailing deter him from imposing what was right! She had been hogging up the crib…and the Gerber!
Daddy must have had loads of fun delivering the news. Mommy was in on it as well. She had gone to the doctor and had them print out a picture of the new tenant. They served it on her just in case she refused. We hope it didn’t reach the courts. This is going to be a costly hearing.
By Royal Decree
After sniffing mommy, they figured out that she was pregnant. They didn’t want her to worry any further, so they took it upon themselves to look after her and their baby brother. They volunteered to test the toys, sniff the diaper, guard the baby, and keep its secrets – especially when it babbled such nonsense.
All of this was sealed and set by royal decree. Mommy couldn’t have been more proud of raising two sensitive children. Now, all that’s left is to wait for the baby to be delivered and introduce it to the family. They’ll stand guard by its side, and take turns looking after mommy.
Who’s Taking the Shift
Do you know what ‘s even better when finding out you’re pregnant? It’s finding out you’re pregnant with twins! That’s double the trouble and twice the fun. We haven’t considered if it’s cost-efficient – with the kids both needing schooling at the same time. But mommy and daddy can always take shifts bearing the load.
On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, mommy can bend over the toilet bowl as morning sickness takes its toll, while daddy can do the same on all the other days. Of course, daddy will prep mom’s pregnancy kit, and ready her slippers, whereas she will take charge of breakfast. With this teamwork, they’ll be able to raise two healthy and adorable twins!
Good Boys
Blessed with two fur-children, these parents encounter messes often. It’s routine for them to clean up after them, or return toys to the toybox. The usual casualties are tin soldiers and stuffed toys. Occasionally, their kids would ruin furniture. But this hadn’t kept these parents from adding a new member to the family.
Warily looking into the camera, these kids are thinking, “what’s a human baby, and how long before we share our toys?”. The great news is that mommy and mommy will still love you guys and that there’ll be more toys after mommy has her baby. There’ll be more reasons to love this family!
Spooky Announcement
Imagine having the time of your life, only to be told that you’re going to be a dad soon. Reality sets in. Soon you’re seeing this vision of you working a ten-hour shift, six days a week for ten years to pay off the housing mortgage and your child’s education. Isn’t that a spooky situation?
It seems like the best way to break the news is with a pumpkin carving. After all, the practice of carving is meant to scare away evil. Carve the baby’s form on it, and hope that the pregnancy test is just a false positive. Well, this won’t be the first time protection failed.
Honest Feedback
How do you make a marriage work? For one, you’d need constant honesty. Over the years, people change, and to guarantee that a couple will grow together, they’d need to give each other candidly, but respectful, feedback. Praise excessively but also have a sit-down if it’s needed. We wouldn’t want to repeat the same mistakes…for example,
Since it’s their fourth, it’s high time to consider other forms of family planning. While we wish this family the best, this brute honesty makes for a hilarious pregnancy announcement! At least, he’s got her back while she bears him baby no. 4.
Skipping the Chill Next Time
With so much Urban lingo, it’s hard to stay up-to-date. Back in 2009, “Netflix and Chill” literally meant chilling out and binging on TV series or movies. Fast forward a couple of years, it has become the catchphrase for “Do you want to come up for a drink?”. In reality, it’s more like “skip Netflix, I’m in heat”.
Those chill sessions got more and more frequent until the parties decided to spend a lifetime together. Don’t you wish it were this way with everyone? Choose your favorite chick flick and then end up with the guy you’re sitting next too. We love how this story turned out.
Intel Baby Inside
Most didn’t know what it was or how it worked. But if you see Intel’s distinct logo, then that means you have a fairly reliable ultra-fast artificial brain within your computer hardware. This ingenious mommy told everyone that she, too, had co-created a baby Luca with her husband; and that it’s being housed within her.
Of all the pregnancy announcements, this tops the list. It’s clever, concise and it delivers the message in a couple of words. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter! You could use it to discuss specs with other computer geeks or expecting moms. How far along are you? Oh, this is the 7th generation of the Luca line.
Comfort Food
Sure, women who plan their pregnancy should expect some weight gain. That’s where the baby will get its energy – from her fatty stores. But that doesn’t mean she’ll enjoy getting fat. She’ll have trouble fitting in some of her clothes and, in the late trimester, her shoes! So to comfort this expecting mum, her child asked everyone to binge along with her.
Isn’t that sweet? It’s a bit too sweet for our taste, but we wouldn’t mind eating a couple of doughnuts. Besides, we’re just as excited as mom is for having a new baby! And after it’s been born, we’ll lose the weight with her. We’ll force ourselves to get back in shape then.
Belly Bumps
Her family had been wary of asking her if she was pregnant. Afraid that it would hurt her feelings, they would ask her husband. She didn’t understand why they felt like mincing their words. So to beat them to it, she replied the funniest way.
She’s eating for two! Unlike other products, this doesn’t come with a manual. As long as she feels like binging on something, her hubby better deliver the food packet! Whether its carbohydrates, cake mixes, or popsicles, lay it at her feet. Soon enough, her immediate family pitched in with weekly supply. What a feast!
Early Trimester Nausea
The day progressed like it normally did in this household. Until someone complained they were feeling unwell. It couldn’t be the flu – there weren’t any sniffles or coughs. Neither was it the heat. It was the middle of December. So, it had only boiled to one other explanation.
After mom took the test, it was daddy who was belching over the toilet bowl every half-hour. He couldn’t believe it – with his head bowed over, and his left hand holding the pregnancy stick. Boy, it had been a surprise, but one he had mixed feelings about. It’s a good thing the nausea wore off in time, as he accepted that she was going to have baby number three.
Kissing Under the Mistletoe
Mommy set the roast chicken on the table. Then she went over to arrange the centerpiece, the fireplace crackled and hissed noisily. The star of Bethlehem marked the special occasion. The house was decorated with tinsel and colorful wreaths. An angel in white robes stood atop the Christmas tree. In the doorway hung a mistletoe. As mommy went back to get plates, she cast a mischievous glance at daddy. Guess who had been naughty?
Daddy hung all three socks by the fireplace. He felt the warmth given off by crackling twigs and woodblocks. It was a special occasion. Saint Nick had given them lumps of coal, but it had only been to their benefit as daddy threw more of them into the hearth. Being naughty isn’t so bad after all.
Havin’ Trouble Reading
Couples have a lot of things in common. They have shared beliefs, goals, and interests. The more compatible they are, the more likely their relationship will be to stand the test of time. This expecting couple met on campus and hit it off a few seconds into the conversation. Guess what they talked about? Their love of Chemistry.
And so the two nerds formed a fast bond. Not long afterward, she bore a son. Knowing that their kid would take after them, they had a pair of eyeglasses made. Now, how else could you outdo such a quirky announcement?
Blessed Fourfold
The Gardners had been trying for years to have a baby. They tried almost every solution they could think of. They had sought help from local faith healers, bought amulets, bathed in sacrosanct falls, and sought several medical opinions. But we guess, they tried too hard.
Because almost all of their prayers had been answered. In fact, it had been answered fourfold. Sure, they’re grateful for the love and support they received from family, but now they’re going to need it even more as they face parenthood with four children… in one delivery!
What’s Hap-pin-ning?
This family didn’t want to leave grandma and grandpa out of the loop. They didn’t want to attract unnecessary attention but they had wanted to share the good news. How do you think her parents took it? There must have been a couple of warm hugs and a lot of self-care tips.
After all, every pregnancy seems like it’s a first! Even as this couple is readying the nursery room, they’re wondering if it’s a boy or a girl. They’d also be thinking what name they’re going to call her, what her interests will be or who she’ll take after.
Taking After the Best Painter of All Time
We tuned into his shows religiously. His paintings had been meditative for us. The moment his brush hit the canvass, the world vanished. All you had to do was focus on the color scheme and the brush strokes. From time to time, he’d say something simple, yet mindblowing. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that this couple based their announcement off of Bob Ross’ quote.
This happy little accident was a major life event. Despite the sleepless nights, we’re sure that Bob Ross’s optimism rubbed off on them. There was nothing his painting couldn’t solve. Before the end of this episode, we’d like to wish them happy painting, and God bless!
Potty Training
Embarrassed by the lack of control, this mommy told her daughter that number two is on its way. She hurriedly got a roll and ushered her kid to the potty. This little kid minded her own business, stumped by her mother’s growing frequency to use the toilet.
Well as it turns out, mommy had been carrying baby number two! And the growing weight of it pushed down on her bladder, causing mommy to pee often. This kid patiently sits on her potty trainer, casually sifting at the maternal book her mom was reading. How long do you think mommy will take this time?
Call Maury
One ordinary day, you meet the love of your life. She has a sharp wit, ab-forming humor, a protective streak, and commitment to you and the relationship. You’re both undeniably attracted to each other so you decide to tie the knot. Wanting to start a family, she bears a baby. But the bad news is that you aren’t the father. Yikes!
Well if you wanted one and if you were in her place, you couldn’t be the dad. They sought out some help. And it only goes to show how much they’re dedicated to having a family of their own. Congratulations to this pair. Guess we don’t have to call Maury. It’s been a consensual decision all along!
Stork Delivery
Christmas brings good tidings and bountiful gifts. It had been that way for this family, who found out that a baby would be delivered soon. A stork came, with mail in its beak, telling them that the baby is due in May 2020. They were ecstatic! Soon there’d be another sock to hang by the fireplace.
To be honest, they hadn’t been silent for weeks on end before Christmas. So there’s no use playing coy, and telling us that your silent nights will end in May 2020. Mommy and Daddy must have been celebrating already, thinking every night was New Year’s Eve. Like any celebration, everyone frollicked to the jingles when they found out mommy was pregnant.
Sidekick for the Man of Steel
Every superhero has one. The Green Lantern had Thomas Kalmaku AKA Pieface; Batman had Dick Grayson AKA Nightwing; whereas Superman had Jimmy Olsen. There’s something reassuring about having an extra cape flapping in the wind. After all, everyone needs a little help from time to time. So it shouldn’t be any wonder why mom and dad decided to give their lone child an ally!
He can scour the backyard; conquer new kingdoms; and fight crime with his new side-kick. Besides, keeping his identity secret can be a heavy burden to bear. Having someone who knows who he is behind the mask, takes off some of the load. He has his whole lifetime to unravel adventures with his new sidekick!
Living a Life of Crime
They make an unlikely pair. She’s smart and popular, whereas he’s a troublemaker. Driven to desperation, they embark on a life of crime. They have only just begun, breaking bad one baby at a time. Like the show, this pregnancy announcement is a hit!
Looking at its IMDB reviews, it has gone up 16% in popularity. User reviews and critics applaud the announcement, eager for the next show release. Will you stay tuned in for the whole season? Because we will be! Who doesn’t love to watch a drama thriller about Berkel Babies.
Solid Foundation
A lot of long-term couples say their relationship is built on solid foundations. It had been formed on mutual respect, good communication, and unconditional love. In many ways, expecting a child is like a budding relationship – it’s under construction.
Give it some time and it will form fully. The seed has been sown, and soon, this baby will make its way out into the world and into the loving arms of its parents. Until then, we suggest that they let the paint dry. We don’t want to botch the nursery room, don’t we?
Assembling a Baby
From all the stories we’ve been hearing, it seems like having a baby is no easy task. Our friends make it look like hard work. They’ve complained that a baby wails hours on end every night. To an inexperienced listener, every cry sounds the same. But really, your baby demands something different – a nappy change, milk, or a lullaby. Is there a manual for all of this?
Quick! Find the self-destruct button! It might not be too late if we find it soon enough. With hammer in hand, we frantically search the pages, until we realize there’s no return or exchange for this product. Guess, we’ll have to go ahead with it, and learn the best that we can every step of the way.
Fighting for Bed Space
You would think that everyone will be happy when word gets out that there’ll be a new member of the family. But those closest to the celebrants would disagree. Their complaint? Lack of bed space…and attention! Besides, a new baby will keep you up all night.
She didn’t want to be a big sister! Struggling with her ABCs, she didn’t want to learn how to change nappies as well. These weren’t her priorities. Neither does she want to share her scrunchies. But it’s a good thing she grew up in a family where love abounds. Let’s just hope that daddy and mommy remain content.
A is for Alpha
After finding out mom’s pregnant, everyone in the family wanted to learn how they could best take care of the child. Dad went to the local bookshop and bought every single book on pregnancy they had. Every desk within the house was overloaded with these. Even their other “kid” wore his glasses and studied these books religiously.
But he had wanted to learn best to maintain the status quo. He had been used to being the Alpha dog. So why should it change just because mom and dad were having a baby? He could hand them the nappies, soothe it to sleep, and get treats after doing so. After all, that’s’ what good boys do!
Having a Check-up
She had been moody because of her weight gain. Sometimes in the morning, she’d be bent over the loo, without so much as kissing daddy good morning. This had been worrisome. So they decided to go to the doctor. After running some tests, they figured out why she had been acting so strangely.
It turns out her body has been undergoing some changes to accommodate a baby. Look at that young fella- eager and ready to take on the world. But until then mommy will shelter, bathe, and feed him. In a couple of months, they’ll take on the world together one baby step at a time!
What’d He Look Like
Mothers are highly intuitive. Without even taking a test, they’ll know if they’re carrying a baby. It could be a missed period along with a couple of other symptoms – say nausea and frequent urination. When she takes a pregnancy test, it’ll be just to confirm what she already knows. Despite the number of times they go through this, it will never keep us from asking what daddy looked like when he found out mommy was pregnant.
He looked exactly like he did the first time around. It seems like every pregnancy is as exciting and momentous. We hope that thrill never wears off. Maybe this time around, it’ll be a boy. Wouldn’t daddy be excited to have a son who takes after him?
Thriller of the Year
This post-apocalyptic horror film is full of gore, blood, and ear-piercing screams. Humans make their way out of a womb. A woman finds herself testing positive from a condition that induces night sweats, nausea and frequent mood swings. Dubbed as the scariest movie scene, it’s set to show in theaters nine months from now!
Just in case you haven’t watched 28 Days Later, we guarantee that it’s every bit as horrifying as seeing the two pink lines on a pregnancy test, especially if it was unplanned. Now, the expecting couple must stock up on diapers, baby bottles, and breast pumps. There’s no other alternative if they want to survive the next few years of raising a child.
XP Player Upgrade
Your child’s reaction to a baby sister or brother depends on how you deliver the news. They might complain about the baby drawing attention, hogging up space, or taking up all of your time. But if you tell them they’ve earned credits to get an upgrade, they’ll probably react like this.
Who wouldn’t love a promotion? That’s only granted to people who have done a good job around the house. Sure, the newbie rakes up the attention, but it’ll be shared with the big sister. If you tell your kid you’re having a baby this way, she’ll feel secure that she has a place within the family, and that she’s every bit as loved as the newbie. Now how about making space for the baby?
A Little Surprise Goes a Long Way
It’s a scrumptious treat composed of two cream layers – cocoa and milk. Nestled in the layers are two chocolate-covered wafer balls that scream of absolute delight! Did we say that this candy only takes up half the space of the egg compartment? The other half contains a toy! So what do you buy a Kinder Joy for- the toy or the chocolate? Mommy says she’s rooting for the surprise toy!
In her tummy grows a little surprise that had been manufactured by them both. Like the treat, they’re eager to see the present inside – what does it look like, and what is its gender? Until then, they could stock up on all the toys included in each Kinder Joy product, and feast on the confectionery chocolate within.
Next in Cue
Love comes in different forms and sizes. Once struck by it, it knocks the wind out of you. It had been that way for Mel and Vanessa Roy. After tying the knot, they decided they wanted a family of four. “Just because you’re in a relationship with someone of the same gender doesn’t mean you can’t have kids,” said Mel. And they’ve proven this true twice over!
Vanessa bore Jax, their son, in 2014. A year after, Mel bore a daughter, Ero. When they decided they’d both bear children, it hadn’t been an issue of equality. It had been a mutual decision to undergo pregnancy and childbirth – an experience that drew them closer together. Mel says, “We both were able to know what the other felt”.
System Under Repair
Waiting for your baby to be born is like waiting for a system reboot, or for a web page to load. It takes too long! As an expecting mom, you’d know that the wait is essential for your baby’s development. Sometimes, the system lags, like it does in the first trimester until you feel the first few kicks in your tummy or hear the baby’s heartbeat.
Only then can you realize how amazing it is to carry a child in your womb. This process of waiting allows you to prepare for motherhood. You increase your patience and prioritize self-care because, now, you’re caring for two. Before you know it, it’ll be 100% ready for delivery!
Cycling in Tandem
Tiffany and Jon met five years ago. Sparks flew. Both were spiritual and had a passion for cycling. Plus they would eat their S’mores wedged in crackers. After they decided to tie the knot , they found out that they were expecting, and requested the help of renowned photographer Laura Foote for their baby shower announcement. For the shoot, they rode a tandem bicycle.
If you’ve ever ridden one then you would know that you can cruise a trail pleasurably. Neither cyclist struggles to keep up. But with a baby on the way, how will they be able to manage? By tying its tricycle to the rear end of the tandem bike. Soon they can tackle climbs as a family. When their child is old enough, they can ride a tandem bike for three!
Getting Territorial
There are a lot of changes within a household once a baby is born. There’s incessant crying, baby wipes strewn over the furniture, and wet upholstery. On top of all this, each member assumes different roles. Whereas mommy used to cook, now daddy has to navigate his way through the kitchen. Even the dog is wondering if he’ll be thrown out of bed!
The good news is that he gets his own bed by the hearth in the living room. He can visit their bed every once in a while and cozy up to the baby. That way, they can bond easily. Don’t worry doggo, it’ll only be for a short period of time.
Modern Announcement
If this next couple is not the perfect definition of the modern couple, then we don’t know what is. We love the simplicity and originality of their announcement. It is super quirky, and why not make the event one to remember with a good joke!
This cute couple decided to put a twist on the gender roles, with one making the joke that she is not the father. Obviously, we get it. But at the same time, they are about to raise a kid together. We love the change of perspective!