6-Step Guide To Ace Your Maid Of Honor Speech

By Fatime G

Image Courtesy of @dre0316 / Unsplash

Many roles are a big deal, but not many of them are as special as being chosen maid of honor. As maid of honor, you will juggle several responsibilities, including giving a speech on the special day. We will be the first to admit that the thought of speaking in public gives us sweaty palms. It’s nerve-wracking! But they may have been here, and we managed through it just fine, and so can you.

Although it is just a few words, writing a maid of honor speech can be challenging. It’s hard deciding what to include and to leave out. You may have to revisit the draft repeatedly until it is perfect. But don’t fret! With this guide, you can come up with a few words to wow the guests and pull at the couple’s heartstrings. 

First Things First!

Take some time to think about special moments you have had with the bride and highlight those worth addressing in your speech. Once you have an idea of what you will discuss, break it into sections and create a roadmap for your speech.

1. Introduce yourself

Close friends and family may know you, but not all guests at the wedding will. Thus, start by stating your name and your relation to the bride.

2. Talk about your relationship with the bride 

Paint a picture of you and the bride’s relationship. Pick a special moment or adventure you have had but try and keep it about her. Ignore the pressure to be funny; be your authentic self. There is a reason the bride chose you, after all. 

3. Talk about their partner

How did you first meet them? Compliment them as a person and why they are an excellent match for your friend. Highlight some of the things they do for your friend that make you appreciate them more

4. Talk about them as a couple

Image Courtesy of @aleksandr-neplokhov-486399 / Pexels

The day is about love, so do not feel too much pressure. Pick an appropriate story from your time with the newlyweds that shows why they are a good couple. You can throw in some quotes representing the good moments you’ve had with them. 

5. Tie it up 

It should only take up to five minutes to finish the speech. Sum it up by presenting the theme of your speech. 

6. Give a toast

Image Courtesy @alelmes/ Unsplash

At the end of the speech, give a toast to the married couple. Lastly, wish the bride and groom good fortune in the next chapter of their lives. It does not get old; even when everyone wishes them the best, they will appreciate it. 

Not so hard, was it? Once you get through these guidelines, you should be able to craft an impressive maid of honor speech. What remains is to practice. Brush those public speaking skills in front of a mirror or a trusted friend.